New paper on venom regulation and evolution published at genome research

The final chapter of my dissertation has been published at Genome Research! In this paper, we use an integrated functional genomics dataset to identify key mechanisms underlying snake venom gene regulation and to investigate the evolution of venom systems.

Check it out here!

A press release for this article can be found here.


Perry, B.W., S.S. Gopalan, G.I.M. Pasquesi, D.R. Schield, A.K. Westfall, C. Smith, I. Koludarov, P.T. Chippindale, M.W. Pellegrino, E.B. Choung, S.P. Mackessy, and T.A. Castoe. 2022. Snake venom expression is coordinated by novel regulatory architecture and the integration of multiple co-opted vertebrate pathways. Genome Researchdoi/10.1101/gr.276251.121