
About Me

Photo courtesy of Greg Heartsfield

I am a post-doctoral researcher in Dr. Joanna Kelley’s Lab at University of California Santa Cruz. Currently, I am studying the evolution and genomic mechanisms of hibernation in bears, with an emphasis on understanding the roles of regulatory sequence evolution in physiological adaptation. 

I completed my PhD in the lab of Dr. Todd Castoe at the University of Texas at Arlington, where I used functional genomics to study the mechanisms and evolution of extreme adaptations in snakes, including post-feeding regenerative organ growth and snake venom systems. Prior to that, I completed a B.S. in Zoology from The Ohio State University, during which I participated in undergraduate research in the lab of Dr. Lisle Gibbs and at the F.T. Stone Laboratory.

When I’m not doing science, I enjoy photography, playing music, hiking, and knitting. 

Diversity and Inclusion Statement

Science is at its best when it includes, encourages, and celebrates diverse voices and perspectives. I am committed to working to increase diversity and equity in STEM and to overcome institutionalized biases in science and academia. 

Public Outreach

I am passionate about fostering positive relationships between the scientific community and general public. By sharing my passion for science, I hope to encourage others to celebrate curiosity and engage in scientific thought. 

Current and previous outreach efforts include presenting at informal public science events (i.e., “Tap Talks” events at local breweries) and participating in the Skype A Scientist program. A few new and exciting outreach events are in the works, so stay tuned!

If you are a teacher, organization, or other group that is interested in having me talk about my work, biology, and/or my experiences in science, please get in touch!

Photo courtesy of Greg Heartsfield